The Art Of Your Instagram Feed

Updated: December 12, 2023

I’m sure you’ve heard in recent times that Instagram is the new website. With shorter attention spans and shoppable social media platforms rising to the top, it is no shock that Instagram is leading the way in blending these two shopping experiences together. Yet, a question continues to linger, causing a division among Social Media Managers worldwide: should the emphasis be on the aesthetics of your Instagram feed or on delivering genuine value with each post?

The Aesthetics Advocates:

On one side of the debate, there’s a camp that views Instagram as more than just a social platform—it’s a visual representation of your brand, akin to a virtual storefront. This perspective treats Instagram as a digital look book, the first place potential customers visit to learn about your brand. In this view, the feed becomes a canvas where every post contributes to an overarching aesthetic, creating a visually pleasing and cohesive design. However, in the pursuit of a curated and stylish feed, there’s a potential downside—the risk of sacrificing valuable content for the sake of appearance.

The Value-Centric Approach:

On the other side of the fence, the focus is on delivering substantial value with every Instagram post. Recognizing that not every user ventures to a brand’s profile, this approach aims to make every appearance in a user’s feed count. By prioritizing value, brands aim to captivate their audience with content that informs, entertains, or solves a problem. The strategy is to create engagement right where it matters most—in the user’s feed. However, this path may lack the visual consistency that an aesthetically curated feed provides.

The Balancing Act:

The truth lies in finding a delicate equilibrium between the two approaches. A harmonious blend of aesthetics and value delivery is the secret sauce for Instagram success. Your feed should be visually appealing, creating an immediate impact that draws users in. Simultaneously, each post should offer something meaningful—be it information, entertainment, or a solution. Striking this balance ensures that your Instagram presence is not only pleasing to the eye but also resonates with and engages your audience.

The Verdict:

In the dynamic realm of Instagram, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The right approach for your business depends on your brand identity, target audience, and marketing goals. Some brands may find that a meticulously curated feed aligns with their visual brand identity, while others may prioritize delivering value to a diverse audience.

As you navigate the art of your Instagram feed, consider what resonates most with your audience. Does your community engage more with aesthetically pleasing visuals, or do they crave insightful and valuable content? The answer might lie in a mix of both. Ultimately, success on Instagram is about understanding your audience, adapting to their preferences, and finding that sweet spot where aesthetics and value converge seamlessly.


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