How Your Team Can Be Your Best Content Creators

Updated: March 27, 2024

There’s a new kid on the content block & they’re the talk of the town. That’s right, we’re talking about employee-generated content (EGC) – and it’s changing the game for businesses big and small.

So, what exactly is EGC?

It’s all about your team members stepping up to the plate and sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights about your company on social media and other platforms. From sharing a behind-the-scenes glimpse of their workday to highlighting company achievements or simply showing off their love for their job, EGC is like giving your brand a megaphone through the voices of your employees.

Why is it suddenly so popular?

One big reason EGC is gaining traction is because people crave authenticity. In a world bombarded with ads and sponsored content, hearing real stories from real people – your employees – can be a breath of fresh air for your audience. It humanizes your brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy in the eyes of your customers.

Social media plays a huge role in the rise of EGC. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn make it easy for your team to share their stories with a global audience. Whether they’re posting photos, videos, or text, every post adds a personal touch to your brand’s online presence.

But it’s not just about marketing. EGC can also be a powerful tool for attracting top talent. When prospective employees see your team members sharing their positive experiences, they’ll be more likely to see your company as a great place to work.

Are there any rules around it?

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. It’s important to set some ground rules and guidelines for EGC to ensure that it aligns with your brand values and goals. Providing some training and support for your team can also help them create content that’s on-point and on-brand.

In a nutshell, EGC is a win-win for everyone involved. Your team gets to share their stories and experiences, your brand gets a boost of authenticity, and your audience gets to connect with a more human side of your company. So why not empower your employees to become your brand’s biggest cheerleaders? After all, who better to tell your story than the people who live and breathe it every day?


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