Updated: March 27, 2023

As fun as it may be, social media isn’t just for posting stunning photos of your products or of your business. You might be crushing the visuals game when it comes to Instagram and Pinterest, but there is an important aspect that you may be overlooking that could change your social media game.

Ever heard of community management? It is the practice of engaging with customers and building relationships with them through your social media. Community management involves creating a sense of community around your brand, fostering a two-way dialogue with customers, and encouraging engagement and participation.

It can be your way to truly make your business stand out and develop a long term relationship with your customers. But, how exactly do you do it? Let’s jump into it:

You Need to Know Your Audience

Before you can engage with your followers, you need to know who they are and what they’re interested in. Spend time researching your target audience to understand their demographics, interests, and pain points. Use this information to create content that speaks directly to their needs and interests.

Always Listen and Respond

Social media is a two-way conversation. It’s not enough to simply post content and hope for engagement. You need to actively listen to what your followers are saying and respond in a timely and relevant manner. This is your opportunity to show your customers they aren’t just a number and that you are willing to engage with them. For example, reshare their stories of your product, comment something positive on any tagged posts, and always respond to any mentions.

Try to Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for building a sense of community around your brand. Encourage your followers to share photos, videos, and other content related to your brand, and share this content on your social media channels. UGC not only helps you build a sense of community but also provides social proof that can help you build trust with potential customers. By simply resharing a post, your customer will feel both valued and seen by your brand!

Use Platform Features to Connect and Engage

There are specific platform features made to streamline your two way conversation with your community. For example, on Instagram, you can go live to share a new product or service and instantly respond to any messages and comments your followers might have. You can also use interactive story features to encourage followers to get involved and find out what sort of content they would like to see. Polls, quizzes and questions are an easy way to connect and engage your audiences.

Although it might take a bit of extra effort, community management is essential for building a strong social media presence and engaging with your followers. By knowing your audience, listening and responding, encouraging user-generated content, and utilising platform features, you can build a loyal following and create a strong sense of community around your brand.


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