Dice’s 3 Meta Ad Non Negotiable’s

Updated: November 6, 2023
Topics: Paid Social

In this article, we break down how we set up all of our paid Meta campaigns to ensure that we will remain at the forefront of the meta-advertising space. Here are our 3 non negotiable’s when creating our Meta ads.

1. Advantage+ Campaigns: The Ultimate Testing Ground

If you haven’t been introduced to Advantage+, let us do you the honour. In the dynamic world of digital advertising, the Advantage+ campaigns on Meta Ads are your secret weapon for assessing your brand’s performance in finding new audiences and retargeting your current customer base. These campaigns combine the best of both worlds, allowing you to fine-tune your content to reach your ideal audience and understand which advertising strategies work best. By harnessing Advantage+ campaigns, you can optimize your campaigns for the best results.

2. Diversify Your Content Styles

Diversity is the key to maintaining engagement and success in digital advertising. Don’t stick to just one content style; instead, constantly experiment with videos, static images, grid photos, and carousels. Each style has unique strengths, from video’s attention-grabbing qualities to static images’ succinct impact. By embracing variety, you’ll keep your audience engaged and adapt to changing trends. What we find to be working extremely well for our e-commerce clients is a mix of video and static images in a grid format.

3. Ad Dimensions Matter: Tailor for the Platform

To succeed on Meta Ads, pay close attention to ad dimensions. When you’re ad appears on a story, the dimensions you need are 1080px by 1920px, when your ad appears in feed for Instagram it will be either Portrait: 1080px x 1350px or Square: 1080px x 1080px. And for Facebook feed, you will need to operate as a square.

Ensure that your ad creatives are the right fit for the platform on which they will appear. Different platforms have distinct requirements, and mismatched dimensions can disrupt the user experience and reduce engagement. Tailoring your ad dimensions to each platform’s specifications will help your content seamlessly integrate into users’ feeds, increasing the likelihood of capturing their attention and driving action.

Mastering Meta Ads involves leveraging Advantage+ campaigns, diversifying content styles, and paying attention to ad dimensions. These strategies will keep your advertising adaptable and effective in the ever-changing digital advertising landscape.


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