Are Hashtags Dead?

Updated: November 20, 2023

If recent years on social media have taught us anything, it’s that trends come and go, and strategies that once worked might seem to lose their effectiveness. Something we always chat about with clients is whether hashtags once hailed as the go-to tool for discoverability on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, are now losing their relevance. Additionally, there’s speculation about the role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on more visually oriented platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

How did Hashtags Evolve?

Hashtags were initially introduced to make content more discoverable by categorizing it based on topics. Users could click on or search for a hashtag to find related content. Over the years, hashtags have become a staple in social media marketing, aiding in brand visibility and content promotion. However, some argue that as social media algorithms have become more sophisticated, the reliance on hashtags has diminished.

Hashtags vs Search Engine Optimisation

Strategic use of hashtags is key – focusing on relevant and trending tags can help your content get discovered by users interested in those topics. However, with the emergence of visually-driven platforms like Instagram and TikTok, the role of traditional SEO practices has gained significance. While these platforms may not operate in the same way as Google or Bing, they do have search features, and users often look for content using keywords. On Instagram, for example, optimizing your profile, captions, and bio with relevant keywords can enhance discoverability. Similarly, TikTok’s Discover page relies on user interests, which can be influenced by the description, sounds, and captions you use.

Rather than viewing hashtags and SEO as competing elements, it’s more accurate to see them as part of a symbiotic relationship. Using both strategically can yield the best results. Hashtags still provide a valuable way to tap into trending conversations and connect with niche communities. Meanwhile, optimizing your content with SEO principles ensures that your profile and posts are more likely to be surfaced in relevant searches.


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